Ontario Hyperbaric

Medical Society

Hyperbaric Facilities

Toronto General Hospital Hyperbaric Medicine Unit

Toronto General Hospital  
200 Elizabeth St.
Toronto, ON M5G 2C4

Medical Director, Dr. Rita Katznelson
Multiplace/monoplace emergency 24/7 Coverage (416) 340-4132

Email: hyperbaricmedicineunit@uhn.ca

Phone: 416-340-3598

Fax: 416-340-4000

Halton Hyperbaric

Hyperbaric Department

Oakville, ON

Medical Director: Joseph Kay, MD FRCPC

Monoplace Coverage


Phone: (417) 291-8555

Fax: (289) 351-3036

Hamilton General Hospital Hyperbaric Medicine Department 

237 Barton Street East

Hamilton, Ontario L8L 2X2

Medical Director: Paul Gregor, MD FRCPC

24/7 CritiCall Ontario (Urgent and Emergent Support for Hospital Based Physicians) 


Phone: (905) 521-2100 x46426

Fax: (905) 577-8230 

Ottawa General Hospital Hyperbaric Department

501 Smyth Rd.

Ottawa, ON K1H 8L6

Medical Director, Dr. Calvin Thompson

Multiplace emergency 24/7 Coverage

Phone: (613) 737-8966

Restore Hyperbarics

1000 Middlegate Road

Suite 105

Mississauga, Ontario

L4Y 1M3

Medical Director: Dr. Ben Safa, FRCPC

Monoplace Coverage Weekdays

Email: contact@restorehyperbarics.ca

Phone: (905) 848 - 0202

Fax: (905) 273-9800

Rouge Valley Hyperbaric Medical Centre

Rouge Valley Centenary Hospital

2863 Ellesmere Rd Toronto

 Ontario M1E4B9

Medical Director: Dr. Anton Marinov, MD FRCPC

Monoplace NO 24/7 coverage

Email: info@hyperbaric.ca

Phone: (416) 287-0990

Fax: (416) 287-0992

Under Pressure Inc Hyperbaric Treatment Centre

1692 Lakeshore Road West 

Mississauga, Ontario 

L5J 1J5

Medical Director: Dr. Marion Iyver

Monoplace NO 24/7 coverage

Phone: (905) 274-2032

Fax: (905) 274-4067

Email: info@underpressurehbot.ca

17730 Leslie Street, Suite 112
Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W4

(289) 803-9119 Extension 2

Brampton Hyperbarics and Wound Care

55 Mountainash Road, Unit 23
Brampton Ontario
L6R 1W4

Phone: (365) 747-1470

Fax: (905) 216-0594

Ontario Hyperbaric Medical Society Inc. is an Ontario not-for-profit corporation.

1929 Bayview Avenue, Suite 202C, Toronto ON M4G 3E8      Email: inquiries@onhms.ca

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