Ontario Hyperbaric

Medical Society

M&M Rounds

  • 13 Jun 2023
  • 20:00 - 21:00
  • Virtual via Microsoft Teams


Registration is closed

OnHMS M&M Rounds. Time and date subject to change. 

HBOT for Intracerebral Air Embolism After Neuraxial Labour Analgesia

Presented Virtually by: 

Dr Marcus Salvatori, MSc, MBBS, FRCPC


Evaluate possible mechanisms for intracerebral air following epidural analgesia.


Cite the evidence supporting the use of HBOT for cerebral air emboli. 


Critically appraise the use of HBOT in the management of cerebral air embolism after neuraxial labour analgesia.

Meeting link will be emailed out shortly .

Ontario Hyperbaric Medical Society Inc. is an Ontario not-for-profit corporation.

1929 Bayview Avenue, Suite 202C, Toronto ON M4G 3E8      Email: inquiries@onhms.ca

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